An insurance agent takes away a great deal of the stress policies and costs can cause customers, which is why finding the right agent is crucial. Locating an agent that works for you requires more consideration than just who’s offering the best coverage at the best price, although those factors are important. There are also multiple insurance agent types to consider and questions to ponder when determining who you’ll work with. A family-owned and operated agency that’s been in the business for over 100 years, Muller Insurance offers tips on how to find an insurance agent that works for you.Types of Insurance Agents Insurance coverage is not one-size-fits-all, and neither are insurance agents. That’s why you should think about which type of agent to consult with to figure who best can suit your needs. The four major choices include:Captive agents: These agents provide coverage exclusively from one insurance company and receive commissions from that company.Independent agents: These agents are allowed to work with multiple insurance companies that they deem valuable for their specific markets and clients. Muller Insurance is independent and offers options from over 20 companies.Insurance brokers: These agents represent small businesses and help them find the best coverage for the best price in the local insurance market.Direct service/no agent: You can also work with an insurance company directly online, but be aware you will be limited and might not get the most affordable or effective coverage.Questions to Ask When Deciding on an Insurance Agent Once you have determined which type of insurance agent to work with, you can start navigating specific options and even begin meeting with agents. As you plan your search or talk with different agents, ask yourself the following questions:Do I connect with my agent?It is hard to work with someone you don’t like, and this sentiment stays true with insurance agents. If the agent is not spending time getting to know you so they can understand your goals and needs, then you should switch to another agent.Does the agent take time with me?The best insurance agents aren’t afraid to spend time discussing plans with you or explaining coverage and benefits. If your agent is constantly pushing you to make decisions quickly, it’s time for a new agent.Does the agent offer multiple coverage and cost options?When you meet with an insurance agent, plenty of coverage and cost choices should be available to you. If the agent provides you with slim options or none at all, you should head in a different direction. Note that out of all the agent types, independent agents like the ones at Muller Insurance provide the widest array of choices. Does the agent work with insurance companies you know?Recognizable companies are signs of a quality insurance agent. That’s why Muller Insurance represents several known carriers, including Liberty Mutual, Chubb, and Travelers. Does the agent have good references?Talk with co-workers, friends, and family to get insight into what working with particular agents is like. If you don’t have anyone in your personal life to ask, don’t be afraid to inquire about references from the agency.Find the Right Agent at Muller Insurance Discovering the right insurance agent to consult with is the best way to help you fulfill your coverage needs at a price that fits your budget. The independent agents at Muller Insurance build personal relationships with customers from New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and other states, helping to find insurance solutions at the best possible value with the client’s interests in mind. If you’d like to speak with an insurance agent today or request a quote, contact us today.