Most people know the benefits of having a good credit rating. All sorts of companies are willing to lend you money, raise your credit card limits and lower your interest rates on car loans, credit card debt and even home and condo loans. Heck, you can even get rental agencies to waive or reduce fees based on your good credit.Yes, there is a digital ocean of information on car and home insurance on the internet and in television, print and radio ads. But while it’s all clever, it can be overwhelming and promotional.That’s the bad news. The good news? You don’t have to go it alone when buying or even comparing insurance options. That’s where independent insurance agents, like Muller Insurance, can help you get the right insurance at the best price. Better yet, you don’t pay for their help.Whether you’re getting insurance for the first time or reviewing existing policies, independent agents are your best bet for professional guidance when choosing the right kind of protection; deciding whether you have enough insurance—or even too much; if there are any serious gaps in your coverage; or whether you qualify for any discounts.They can also give you an unbiased evaluation of your unique circumstances, tailor coverages to meet your specific needs and provide ongoing local support in times of crisis. And because they are independent, they can shop around on your behalf to find the best insurance policy prices.So, relax a little. You’ve got a friend in the business: your independent insurance agent.Having a boat, large or small, is a pleasure. They offer the chance for all sorts of fun from quiet evening cruises to fishing, swimming, water skiing and even extended trips to exotic locations. What’s less inviting is having to wade through various options to get the right insurance.Boat insurance can be complex. The amount and kind of insurance needed can vary greatly by state, type of craft, value of the boat and even its usage. The challenge is made greater because not all insurance companies offer boat insurance—or at least extensive coverage options.That’s why is pays to work with an independent agent, like Muller, to make sure you’re getting the right coverage and the best price possible.Issues you need to consider include, among others:State insurance requirementsLiability coverage for guests and crewReplacement cost coverage optionsUninsured boater protectionWreck removal coverageSearch and rescue cost coverageEmergency towing and service coverageBoating can be a great joy. But you’ll enjoy it even more if you’re properly covered and protected.Contact any of us at Muller. We’re here to help you get smooth sailing.